Saturday 27 July, 10:17:32

Berg (Tongeren)

Limburg (110m) RESTAURANT LA FINESSE Maastrichtersteenweg 376 3700 Tongeren 0477 / 46.80.57

Saturday 27 July, 10:10
Most recentHistorical dataMonthly dataYearly data
Daily data
27 July 2024
Previous 24h
Temperature +150cm (screen)°C18.015.518.817.015.523.419.6
Relative humidity%86.882.895.691.661.495.679.4
Dewpoint temperature°C15.814.516.215.614.516.515.8
Precipitation (10 min)mm0.
Pressure at sea levelhPa1,014.31,012.81,014.31,013.41,011.51,014.31,012.9
Pressure tendency (3h)hPa+0.8
Solar radiation avg.W/m²116016421305362,983
Sunshine durationhh:mm0:000:002:07
Temperature at cloudbase°C15.3
Vapor pressurehPa17.917.717.9
Wetbulb temperature°C16.4
Absolute humidityg/m³13.3

* Parameters in bold are measured by different sensors, other parameters are calculated valued from different parameters and/or times.

* Actual = during the 10 minutes preceding observation time

* Minimum = lowest value since midnight

* Maximum = highest value since midnight

* Average = average value since midnight

* Total = total of the numbers since midnight

* Cloudbase = calculated height for cloud formation by convection; below this height clouds are dissolving

* Precipitation intensity (rain gauge) = average precipitation intensity during the past 10 minutes

* Precipitation intensity radar = average precipitation intensity during the last minute preceding observation time

* Pressure at sea level = station pressure reduced to sea level taking into account height and temperature

* Pressure tendency 3h = change in atmospheric pressure during the last 3 hours, + is rising, - is falling | uses cookies to improve your experience on our site.
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