Friday 14 March, 11:25:58

Weather forecast - |


15 days forecast of the range of maximum temperatures, precipitations + general type of weather in Belgium

(Usually the highest values ​​are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes)

24-hour forecast (10 AM - 10 AM) (According to deterministic and operational models: MULTIMODEL BMCB)

Update 14-3-25 8h

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 3/8°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (10h-10h):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-1 L/m²

🔹 Morning:
Mostly clear skies, except in West Flanders and south of the Sambre-et-Meuse valley, where a few isolated showers remain possible, especially in the south of Namur.
North to northeast wind with gusts of 5-15 km/h.

🔹 Afternoon:
Variable cloudiness with clear spells in West Flanders, but cloudier over Luxembourg province, where a local shower remains possible.
North to northeast wind with gusts of 10-20 km/h.

🔹 Overnight:
Gradually widespread clear spells, but low stratus clouds or local fog may form, especially over Limburg, northern Liège, Namur, and southern Hainaut.
Minimum temperatures: 1 to 3°C at the coast, between 0 and -3°C inland, and between -3 and -8°C in the valleys of the east.
North to northeast wind with gusts of 5-15 km/h, up to 20 km/h along the coast.

🔹 Tomorrow morning:
Widespread clear spells over Antwerp, West Flanders, southern Liège, and Luxembourg province.
Very cloudy with low stratus clouds mainly over Hainaut, East Flanders, both Brabants, Namur, Limburg, and northern Liège.
Northeast wind with maximum speeds between 15-25 km/h.



Update of March 12, 2025, 12 PM
Forecast for the coming days
(According to deterministic and operational models)


Saturday, March 15

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 4/9°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
South of Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
💨 Windy conditions: 40-60 km/h from the northeast.
🔹 Morning: Variable sky with bright spells and dry weather.
🔹 Afternoon: Variable sky with bright spells and dry weather.
🔹 Following night: Clear sky; light frost inland.

Sunday, March 16

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 4/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
South of Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
💨 Windy conditions: 30-50 km/h from north to northeast.
🔹 Morning: Mostly sunny.
🔹 Afternoon: Mostly sunny.
🔹 Following night: Clear sky; light frost inland.

Monday, March 17

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 4/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
South of Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
🔹 Morning: Increasing cloud cover (stratocumulus north of the Sambre-Meuse valley; sunny in the south).
🔹 Afternoon: Cloudy skies (60-100%) with sunny breaks, but sunnier in Gaume.
🔹 Following night: Sky clearing completely with slight frost limited to the Ardennes highlands.

Tuesday, March 18

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 4/12°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
South of Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
💨 Windy conditions: 40-60 km/h from the east.
🔹 Morning: Very sunny.
🔹 Afternoon: Very sunny.
🔹 Following night: Clear sky with slight frost in all regions.

Probable Trend (up to 15 days)

(According to ensemble averages & AIFS & GCGFS)

Wednesday, March 19

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 11/17°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)
• Mostly dry weather.

Thursday, March 20

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12/18°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-2 L/m² (national range)
• Little to no rain.

Friday, March 21

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12/16°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-2 L/m² (national range)
• Little to no rain.

Saturday, March 22

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 10/16°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 1-2 L/m² (national range)
• Some (light) rain.

Sunday, March 23

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-5 L/m² (national range)
• Very localized rain showers.

Monday, March 24

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 3-6 L/m² (national range)
• Some rain.

Tuesday, March 25

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/12°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 2-5 L/m² (national range)
• Some rain.

Wednesday, March 26

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-2 L/m² (national range)
• Little to no rain.


Copyright Luc Trullemans, only for publication on &


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Graphics - General Forecast 15 days:

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