Tuesday 11 February, 18:32:03

Weather forecast - Meteo-BE.net | BMCB.info


15 days forecast of the range of maximum temperatures, precipitations + general type of weather in Belgium

(Usually the highest values ​​are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes)


Update of February 11, 2025, 8 AM (Forecast for the next 24 hours)
(according to deterministic and operational models)

Tuesday, February 11

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 2/7°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation:

  • North of the Scheldt: 1-12 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0-9 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-Meuse: 0-1 L/m²

Morning: Rain or melting snow will persist north of the Sambre and Meuse valley, except in the province of Antwerp. Elsewhere, the sky will remain gray, though some sunshine may appear over the highlands of the Liège province.

Afternoon: A few light showers will still occur, mainly over both Flanders, the province of Antwerp, and western Hainaut. Elsewhere, the sky will remain cloudy, but some brief sunny spells may appear in the south of the Luxembourg province.

Next night: Dry conditions with clear spells, with fog formation expected during the night in the south of the Luxembourg and Namur provinces and the east of the Liège province. Light frost is likely over the highlands south of the Sambre and Meuse valley, with a risk of moderate frost in the valleys of the eastern Ardennes.


Update of February 10, 2025, at 3 PM (Evolution over 5-6 days)

(according to deterministic and operational models)

Wednesday, February 12

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 3/8°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (L/m²):
• North of the Scheldt: 0-1
• Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0-1
• South of Sambre-Meuse: 0-1
Morning: Clear spells, especially in Brabant and Limburg, but also low stratus clouds and fog, particularly in Hainaut and Namur province
Afternoon: Alternation of clouds and clear spells
Next night: Alternating clouds and clear spells, but cloudier in the south of Luxembourg province with a chance of rain

Thursday, February 13

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 1/7°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (L/m²):
• North of the Scheldt: 0
• Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
• South of Sambre-Meuse: 0-7
Morning: Sometimes broad clearings, but cloudier in the south of Luxembourg province with a chance of rain
Afternoon: Similar to the morning
Next night: Initially broad clearings, but gradually more low stratus clouds and fog inland; light frost inland and possibly moderate frost in the Ardennes valleys

Friday, February 14

🌡 Maximum temperatures: -1/+5°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (L/m²):
• North of the Scheldt: 0
• Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
• South of Sambre-Meuse: 0-1
Morning: Widespread low stratus clouds and fog inland, except in the south of Luxembourg province and West Flanders, where clear spells are possible
Afternoon: A lot of low stratus clouds, especially in the center of the country and north of the Ardennes, with some sunny periods elsewhere
Next night: Increasing clear spells, but widespread frost, possibly moderate in the Ardennes valleys

Saturday, February 15

🌡 Maximum temperatures: -1/+6°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (L/m²):
• North of the Scheldt: 0
• Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
• South of Sambre-Meuse: 0
Morning: Chance of low stratus clouds, especially in the north and east, but clear spells elsewhere
Afternoon: Broad clearings and sunny weather in the west and south
Next night: Mostly clear skies with widespread frost, possibly moderate in the eastern valleys

Sunday, February 16

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 2/7°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (L/m²):
• North of the Scheldt: 0
• Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0-1
• South of Sambre-Meuse: 0-1
Morning: Fairly sunny weather with high-altitude clouds
Afternoon: Similar


Probable Trend (up to 15 days)

(according to ensemble means & AIFS & GCGFS)

Monday, February 17

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 1/6°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
• Dry weather

Tuesday, February 18

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 2/8°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
• Dry weather

Wednesday, February 19

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 4/10°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
• Dry weather

Thursday, February 20

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 5/10°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
• Dry weather

Friday, February 21

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/12°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
• Dry weather

Saturday, February 22

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/12°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)
• Mostly dry weather

Sunday, February 23

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-2 L/m² (national range)
• Mostly dry weather

Monday, February 24

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 2-4 L/m² (national range)
• Light precipitation


Copyright Luc Trullemans, only for publication on meteo-be.net & bmcb.info


Graphics - General Forecast: https://www.bmcb.be/forecast-trend//

Analysis & Forecast maps : https://www.bmcb.be/forecast-europ-maps/

Thermal anomalies: https://www.bmcb.be/anomalies-belgium/

City forecast from ECMWF: https://www.windy.com/50.847/4.352?temp,50.822,4.352,12,i:pressure/ (replace location left above)

City forecast from ICON: https://www.windy.com/50.847/4.352?iconD2,temp,50.822,4.352,12,i:pressure,m:e3Tagiq/ (replace location left above )

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