15 days forecast of the range of maximum temperatures, precipitations + general type of weather in Belgium
(Usually the highest values are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes)
Update as of January 5
Forecast and trends for the period until January 19, 2025
Based on deterministic and operational models + AIFS
Monday, January 6
- Maximum Temperatures: 8–14°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 2–7
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 3–7
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 2–12
- Wind: Very windy, 75–105 km/h
- Morning: Some clear spells in the east, cloudy elsewhere with rain mainly in the central regions.
- Afternoon: Often cloudy with rain/showers.
- Night: Variable to cloudy skies with sleet showers and wet snow in the Ardennes; snow above 500–600m in the Ardennes.
Tuesday, January 7
- Maximum Temperatures: 0–6°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 1–3
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 1–3
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 1–6
- Wind: Breezy, 55–75 km/h
- Morning: Variable skies with some showers, wet snow above 300m, and snow above 500m.
- Afternoon: Variable skies with some showers, wet snow above 400m, and snow above 600m in the Ardennes.
- Night: Variable skies with occasional clear spells and light frost, especially in central and southeastern areas.
Wednesday, January 8
- Maximum Temperatures: 0–6°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 10–17
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 10–19
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 13–21
- Wind: Fairly breezy, 50–70 km/h
- Morning: Some clear spells in the north, more clouds in the south.
- Afternoon: Cloudy across the country with rain in the southern half; snow or wet snow above 500m in the Ardennes.
- Night: Frequent snow or wet snow showers in the northwest and rain elsewhere.
Thursday, January 9
- Maximum Temperatures: 1–5°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 5–9
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 7–14
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 8–16
- Wind: Breezy, 40–60 km/h
- Morning: Cloudy and rainy in the west; snow or wet snow elsewhere, mainly above 300–400m south of Sambre-Meuse.
- Afternoon: Variable skies with clear spells in the west, sleet or wet snow showers in the center, and snow above 300–400m in southern areas.
- Night: Dry weather with clear skies; light to moderate frost inland, stronger in the Ardennes.
Friday, January 10
- Maximum Temperatures: -2–5°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 0
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 0
- Morning/Afternoon: Variable skies with clear spells, cloudier in the Ardennes.
- Night: Frosty fog forming, especially in the northwest, with widespread frost that could be moderate in places.
Saturday, January 11
- Maximum Temperatures: -2–3°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 0
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 0
- Morning: Clear skies in the southwest but low stratus clouds in the north and east.
- Afternoon: Sunny in the Ardennes, low stratus clouds elsewhere.
- Night: Local frosty fog but widespread clear skies; moderate to severe frost, especially in the Ardennes.
Sunday, January 12
- Maximum Temperatures: -2–2°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 0
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 0
- Morning/Afternoon: Local low stratus clouds in the plains; sunny elsewhere.
- Night: Clear skies with widespread frost, moderate in the plains and severe in the Ardennes.
Monday, January 13
- Maximum Temperatures: 1–6°C (national range)
- Precipitation in L/m²:
- North of the Scheldt: 0
- Between Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 0
- Morning/Afternoon: Low stratus clouds or frosty fog in the plains; sunny in southern and eastern areas.
- Night: Many low stratus clouds, with frost becoming rarer except in the south and southeast.
Probable Trend (Based on Ensembles & AIFS)
- Tuesday, January 14:
- Temperatures: 2–8°C
- Precipitation: 0–1 L/m²
- Generally dry.
- Wednesday, January 15:
- Temperatures: 3–9°C
- Precipitation: 0–1 L/m²
- Generally dry.
- Thursday, January 16:
- Temperatures: 4–9°C
- Precipitation: 0 L/m²
- Dry weather.
- Friday, January 17:
- Temperatures: 7–11°C
- Precipitation: 0 L/m²
- Dry weather.
- Saturday, January 18:
- Temperatures: 6–10°C
- Precipitation: 0 L/m²
- Dry weather.
- Sunday, January 19:
- Temperatures: 6–10°C
- Precipitation: 0 L/m²
- Dry weather.
Copyright Luc Trullemans, only for publication on &
Graphics - General Forecast:
Analysis & Forecast maps :
Thermal anomalies:
City forecast from ECMWF:,50.822,4.352,12,i:pressure/ (replace location left above)
City forecast from ICON:,temp,50.822,4.352,12,i:pressure,m:e3Tagiq/ (replace location left above )